에러발생: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040154)

해결방법: IIS Apppool 속성에서 'Enable32bitApplications' 를 'True' 로 변경하고 다시 테스트해보니 해결됨.


I have a 32 bit third party dll which i have installed in 2008 R2 machine which is 64 bit.

I have a wcf service created in .net 4.5 framework which calls the 32 bit third party dll for process. Now i have build property set to target 'any' cpu and deployed it to the 64 bit machine.

This can be achieved by configuring the wcf service project properties to target to 'X86' machine instead of 'Any'.

After deploying the 'X86' version to the 2008 R2 server got the issue "System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly"

Solution to this badimageformatexception is setting the 'Enable32bitApplications' to 'True' in IIS Apppool properties for the right apppool.

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